Speeding up Org-Mode Agenda Skip Project with Local Variables

I had built an org-mode agenda function that looked through one org file that was filled with projects I was tracking and then filtering an org-mode agenda based upon the state of those projects.

Every task in my agenda file is linked to a project using a category. When I added this function to my agenda originally I added an skip function that iterated through the my projects file to find applicable projects. This caused my agenda’s to move incredibly slow. The slow code looked like this.

  ;; First I created a custom agenda command that used the skip function
    (setq org-agenda-custom-commands
             "Agenda Function That Runs REALLY SLOWLY"
             ((agenda ""
                      ((org-agenda-skip-function 'org-project-SLOW-skip-function)))

  ;;here is our SLOW function
    (defun org-project-SLOW-skip-function ()
      "SLOOOOOOWLY skip tasks that have the same category as personal projects."
          ;; Here is where I use org-map-entries to iterate over all my projects to find personal projects
          ;; It creates a list of categories that match
          ;; If you have not played with org-map-entries you really should.
          ((skip-project (org-map-entries '(org-entry-get (point) "CATEGORY")
                                          (list org-project-project-file)))
           ;;This is just for passing the location to continue from to the skip function
           (subtree-end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t))))
        (if (org-project-entry-is-project-category skip-project)

    (defun org-project-entry-is-project-category (project-categories)
      "Returns t if an entry at current point has a category that is in list project-categories"
      (let ((current-category (org-entry-get (point) "CATEGORY")))
        (if (member current-category project-categories)

Org agenda custom commands set all the variables under them using let. All the agenda functions run will be able to use this local scope when they run. This means that instead of calling my org-map-entries function on every run, I can just do it once and set it to a variable that my later agenda commands will reference. Here it is again with the function run only once.

  (setq org-agenda-custom-commands
           "Agenda Function using the scope to speed it up"
           ((agenda ""
                    ;;This skip-project variable gets project categories marked as personal
                    ;; It is used by the org-agenda-skip-function below
                    ((skip-project (org-map-entries '(org-entry-get (point) "CATEGORY") "+PERSONAL=\"y\"" (list org-project-project-file)))
                     (org-agenda-skip-function 'org-project-skip-project)))
  (defun org-project-skip-project ()
    "Skip trees that are not waiting"
    (let ((subtree-end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t))))
      ;;You need to have set a "skip-project" variable in your custom agenda block
      (if (org-project-entry-is-project-category skip-project)
          (org-end-of-subtree t)

  (defun org-project-entry-is-project-category (project-categories)
    "An entry at current point is a member of project-categories"
    (let ((current-category (org-entry-get (point) "CATEGORY")))
      (if (member current-category project-categories)

This also means that I can re-use org-project-skip-project with different skip-project lists set. As a final note; much of this can be applied to pre-existing skip functions. I am excited to explore what kind of interesting things I can “break” by re-assigning global variables and functions when creating agendas.